You Didn’t Change You Evolved2 min read


The dreaded ” You’ve changed”. We’ve all heard that at least once or twice in a lifetime. People for some odd reason expect other people to remain the same. Maybe they expected to keep using you, or taking advantage of you. Whatever the reason may be, just know that it’s none of your business, nor is it any of your problem. All “they” need to know is that you didn’t change, you evolved.

In life we all go through phases. In essence, each phase aids in our evolution to becoming our best selves.

Imagine your life as a highway. There are several lanes to choose from. Each lane passes through different parks, forests, and other attractions. Some lanes lead to a longer commute, maybe with more sight seeing or things to do. While other routes may be a little shorter showing a little bit less scenery, just enough to keep your attention. Whatever lane you choose ultimately lands you at your destination, and everyone’s destination story is different.

Have you ever been around someone that says ” I don’t like so and so because they so and so.” ? Usually that someone does not like whomever because whomever else doesn’t do what they do, or act how they act. It could also be that the person you used to be thought and acted the same way they did, and you’ve changed. Or maybe you just don’t think or act that way in general.

For some people, people who are in any way different from themselves are viewed as a “problem”. To go even more in depth is a whole other topic, but to be brief, this “problem” is just a reflection of themselves. It shows a lack of security, and could also be a fight or flight response to feeling threatened. Regardless, you being their ” problem ” is not your problem at all. It’s theirs.

Having the confidence and self awareness to recognize who you are as a person is a long journey that often only requires the presence of no one else but your own. Working on becoming a better person is something that should be embraced, and those who don’t evolve get left behind.

Cleaning out your closet becomes a necessity when deciding the right people you want to keep in your life. This doesn’t always mean that you have to cut people off completely. It just means that you may have to make adjustments to your interactions with such people. ( See what I did there?) 🙂 Let it sound as it may, but it’s the harsh reality of how you may have to deal with others.

Just because your attitude has changed towards someone, does not mean that you’ve changed as a person. With that being said let’s just hope that everyone can get their act together.

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude

Maya Angelou