Welcome to the new year! I seem to pop up on here every new year like on some new year new me stuff. Then I get really inconsistent, and then a new year comes and I’m back on again. Like people at the gym in January. *Sigh* I’m trying! But look, we’re going to talk about going back to basics.
While some things do require complexity, going back to basics can help you further understand your purpose in any, if not most things that you do or are going to do.
As with everything in my life, I like to keep things simple. While some things do require complexity, going back to basics can help you further understand your purpose.
For instance, the sky is blue, it will never be green, but there are some people out there that will try to convince you otherwise, and that the sky being green is the reason why you can’t find love, or some dumb sh*t like that. Am I making sense here? Great.
The point is that sometimes in that state of overwhelm & stress, you have to take one step back in order to move several steps forward.
Our thoughts can play tricks on us.
Our thoughts can play tricks on us. Thoughts may overrun your mind, and cloud your judgement. Then add in the opinions of others, ( which may or may not be a good idea depending on who you ask ) and you’re now this big ball of confusion, going off on everybody, crying about why your chips are stale.
Taking a few steps back to get to the organics of a situation, or plan, or relationship will help you truly understand the dynamics and moving parts. Disassembling any particular situation will help you to hone in on your craft, or lack thereof. It’s almost like figuring out the “whys” to everything.
There really isn’t a true example of how to get back to basics. It’s almost like starting over, but in a tracing your steps back kind of way. You’re not losing all the work you’ve put into it. You’re going back to figure out what needs to leave and what should stay. And almost always, less is more.
Going back to basics is in and of itself building a foundation. One can not build on shaky ground. One must build a solid foundation. From there you build to create whatever it is you would like to call your own.
The Basics are the building blocks of success.
Great comments above!